Wetherby Whaler Kits African Footballers with Leeds United FC Strips
Thursday 20th February, 2014
The Wetherby Whaler, a group of fish and chip restaurants and takeaways across Yorkshire, has kitted out a group of young African footballers with Leeds United Football Club strips and boots.
On a recent trip to Africa, Phillip and Janine Murphy, owners of The Wetherby Whaler Group, visited a remote village in Togo and were touched when they saw a group of young men and boys playing football barefoot but with huge smiles.
Janine organised for 14 full Leeds United kits and boots to be shipped out to the boys.
The Wetherby Whaler is a leading player in the popular fish and chip restaurant and take-away market in Yorkshire. It has restaurants and takeaways in Wetherby, York, Pudsey, Wakefield and Guiseley.
Janine Murphy, Owner of the Wetherby Whaler, said: “I was so overwhelmed when I saw the young footballers playing barefoot yet looking so happy and really wanted to do something memorable for the boys. Their lives are so far removed from ours and they have so little that the shirts, shorts and boots that our children might take for granted are a huge boost for them.
“As passionate Leeds United supporters, it is fantastic to imagine the boys playing in the kits when they are so far from here. We are always more than happy to help local causes, but it is also great that we can support people in a different part of the world.”