Environmental Policy
The Wetherby Whaler is committed to minimising the impact of our activities to both the local and global environment. We endeavour to evaluate and set targets for continuous improvement of an environmentally friendly business policy.
Our Strategy includes:
- Compliance with all relevant environmental legislation.
- Continued training and development of all new and existing staff.
- To raise awareness of environmental issues to employees and enlist their support in improving the company’s performance.
- Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers. Our policy currently covers glass, paper, foil, cardboard, soft drink cans, bottles, light bulbs and food waste.
- To promote the efficient use of energy and water.
- To encourage the adoption of similar principles by our suppliers and customers.
- Sourcing local products wherever possible.
- The use of energy efficient equipment, including our latest energy efficient frying ranges.
- Our Haddock is sourced from sustainable, well managed fishing grounds from MSC certified suppliers.
Our policy strives to create a safe, comfortable and welcoming working environment for all our employees.